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Sammy翻译,Sammy发布英文 ; 2012-04-24 14:49 阅读次 
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如果看到Instagram等公司是以何等高价被收购,并且自己也想在技术泡沫破灭之前遇到这样的好事,那么Google公司发展事业部副总裁David Lawee的这些建议你就要听。在圣克拉拉市举办的DEMO会议上,Lawee对Venturebeat公司的创建人说,如果想被Google收购,你要么做大,要么就不要做。


“这些公司的创始人都是特别优秀的企业家,他们创业之初都有自己的远大梦想,最后他们的梦想都通过与Google的合作实现了……与Google合作让他们的梦想更容易实现。” Lawee说。



如果看到Instagram等公司是以何等高价被收购,并且自己也想在技术泡沫破灭之前遇到这样的好事,那么Google公司发展事业部副总裁David Lawee的这些建议你就要听。在圣克拉拉市举办的DEMO会议上,Lawee对Venturebeat公司的创建人说,如果想被Google收购,你要么做大,要么就不要做。


“这些公司的创始人都是特别优秀的企业家,他们创业之初都有自己的远大梦想,最后他们的梦想都通过与Google的合作实现了……与Google合作让他们的梦想更容易实现。” Lawee说。


The American dream – to build a company from nothing with blood, sweat and tears, until you’ve got a product that millions of people enjoy. Then to cash out.

For anybody who has noticed the giant amounts of money being paid for companies like Instagram and wants to get their piece of the tech bubble before it bursts, Google vice president of corporate development David Lawee has some advice for you. Talking to Venturebeat founder at the DEMO conference in Santa Clara, Lawee says that if you want to get bought by Google, it’s go big or go home.

Google doesn’t go in for talent acquisitions or for niche-products. The tech giant got to be where it is by shooting for the whole internet at once, and Lawee advises that you do the same. Some of their biggest acquisitions, such as Android and Youtube, were the kind of companies with dreams big enough for Google.

“These were extraordinary entrepreneurs who had a huge vision with what they wanted to achieve, and they achieved it with Google… it was an alignment of vision,” said Lawee.

It seems like the key is developing a product that would merge well with Google’s other services without being carbon copies of them. As Google has proved with some of their privacy policy controversies, the company likes having as much under one umbrella as possible, and integration is key.

关键字: Google收购 Instagram公司 收购兼并