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Danny翻译,Danny发布英文 ; 2012-08-17 17:26 阅读次 
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我们热情支持罗姆尼的经济计划. 它将创造就业,重塑增长,并且将美国带回经济自游的传统。罗姆尼的经济计划是建立在已被验证有效的原则之上的:更为克制,更少专断的联邦正腐;更强调私人产业的经济;增加个人经济成长的机会而不使用正腐恩惠;法制,包括对州和地方社群决策权的尊重。


1. 降低企业和职工的边际税率,扩大税收缴纳人群,以促进投资,就业,提高生活水平。

2. 通过控制正腐开支减少国债爆炸性的增长,保证联邦开支不超过GDP的20%。

3. 重塑管制,并结束“大而不倒”的情况,提供给小企业和创业者充足的信贷,增加管制机构的责任机制,保证所有管制都经过严格的成本-效益测试。

4. 改进我们的社保和医保项目,将它们的增长控制到可持续的水平,确保它们的长期生存,来保护那些已经或者接近退休的美国人。

5. 改革我们的医疗系统,增加市场因素,降低成本,提高质量,给患者和医生而不是联邦正腐更多的权力。

6. 采用重视国内能源生产的能源政策,扩大西半球能源的使用,鼓励新技术,取消浪费钱的补贴,并依赖市场因素而不是正腐规划。

7. 与罗姆尼成鲜明对比的是,奥巴马总统未能采用促进国内就业和增长的政策,而是不断扩大联邦正腐的规模和权力。奥巴马总体增加国债,增加税率,通过了许多增加商业负担的金融和医疗管制。这些政策的结果是经济复苏的停滞和高失业率。奥巴马未来的计划是变本加厉地坚持这些失败的政策。这样的坚持只会进一步使增长停滞,失业率高企。


1. 依赖于短期的“刺激”计划,而没有给经济提供可持续的支持,还寻求给全部美国人增税。

2. 没有任何削减联邦正腐开支的计划,没有控制国债-GDP比率增长的计划。

3. 没有对社保进行改革。提议的医保改革将给一群官僚设置医疗商品价格,数量和质量的权力。

4. 在许多领域大范围地扩充了管制,而没有考虑到管制的成本和效益。管制的执行中为特殊利益站台的倾向令人不安。

5. 立法通过的医保计划,将医疗上的决定权集中于中央,扩大了联邦官僚的权力,使他们得以不顾医生和病人的情况,强行实施所谓的万能解决方案,还增加了浪费。

6. 扩张了联邦正腐唯我独尊的规则制定权,侵蚀了州和地方正腐因地制宜决策的能力。



我们热情支持罗姆尼的经济计划. 它将创造就业,重塑增长,并且将美国带回经济自游的传统。罗姆尼的经济计划是建立在已被验证有效的原则之上的:更为克制,更少专断的联邦正腐;更强调私人产业的经济;增加个人经济成长的机会而不使用正腐恩惠;法制,包括对州和地方社群决策权的尊重。


1. 降低企业和职工的边际税率,扩大税收缴纳人群,以促进投资,就业,提高生活水平。

2. 通过控制正腐开支减少国债爆炸性的增长,保证联邦开支不超过GDP的20%。

3. 重塑管制,并结束“大而不倒”的情况,提供给小企业和创业者充足的信贷,增加管制机构的责任机制,保证所有管制都经过严格的成本-效益测试。

4. 改进我们的社保和医保项目,将它们的增长控制到可持续的水平,确保它们的长期生存,来保护那些已经或者接近退休的美国人。

5. 改革我们的医疗系统,增加市场因素,降低成本,提高质量,给患者和医生而不是联邦正腐更多的权力。

6. 采用重视国内能源生产的能源政策,扩大西半球能源的使用,鼓励新技术,取消浪费钱的补贴,并依赖市场因素而不是正腐规划。

7. 与罗姆尼成鲜明对比的是,奥巴马总统未能采用促进国内就业和增长的政策,而是不断扩大联邦正腐的规模和权力。奥巴马总体增加国债,增加税率,通过了许多增加商业负担的金融和医疗管制。这些政策的结果是经济复苏的停滞和高失业率。奥巴马未来的计划是变本加厉地坚持这些失败的政策。这样的坚持只会进一步使增长停滞,失业率高企。


1. 依赖于短期的“刺激”计划,而没有给经济提供可持续的支持,还寻求给全部美国人增税。

2. 没有任何削减联邦正腐开支的计划,没有控制国债-GDP比率增长的计划。

3. 没有对社保进行改革。提议的医保改革将给一群官僚设置医疗商品价格,数量和质量的权力。

4. 在许多领域大范围地扩充了管制,而没有考虑到管制的成本和效益。管制的执行中为特殊利益站台的倾向令人不安。

5. 立法通过的医保计划,将医疗上的决定权集中于中央,扩大了联邦官僚的权力,使他们得以不顾医生和病人的情况,强行实施所谓的万能解决方案,还增加了浪费。

6. 扩张了联邦正腐唯我独尊的规则制定权,侵蚀了州和地方正腐因地制宜决策的能力。


We enthusiastically endorse Governor Mitt Romney’s economic plan to create jobs and restore economic growth while returning America to its tradition of economic freedom. The plan is based on proven principles: a more contained and less intrusive federal government, a greater reliance on the private sector, a broad expansion of opportunity without government favors for special interests, and respect for the rule of law including the decision-making authority of states and localities.

Applying these principles, Governor Romney would:

Reduce marginal tax rates on business and wage incomes and broaden the tax base to increase investment, jobs, and living standards.

End the exploding federal debt by controlling the growth of spending so federal spending does not exceed 20 percent of the economy.

Restructure regulation to end “too big to fail,” improve credit availability to entrepreneurs and small businesses, and increase regulatory accountability, and ensure that all regulations pass rigorous benefit-cost tests.

Improve our Social Security and Medicare programs by reducing their growth to sustainable levels, ensuring their viability over the long term, and protecting those in or near retirement.

Reform our healthcare system to harness market forces and thereby reduce costs and increase quality, empowering patients and doctors, rather than the federal bureaucracy.

Promote energy policies that increase domestic production, enlarge the use of all western hemisphere resources, encourage the use of new technologies, end wasteful subsidies, and rely more on market forces and less on government planners.

In stark contrast, President Obama has failed to advance policies that promote economic and job growth, focusing instead on increasing the size and scope of the federal government, which increases the debt, requires large tax increases, and burdens business with many new financial and health care regulations. The result is an anemic economic recovery and high unemployment. His future plans are to double down on the failed policies, which will only prolong slow growth and high unemployment.

President Obama has:

Relied on short-term “stimulus” programs, which provided little sustainable lift to the economy, and enacted and proposed significant tax increases for all Americans.

Offered no plan to reduce federal spending and stop the growth of the debt-to-GDP ratio.

Failed to propose Social Security reform and offered a Medicare proposal that relies on a panel of bureaucrats to set prices, quantities, and qualities of healthcare services.

Favored a large expansion of economic regulation across many sectors, with little regard for proper cost-benefit analysis and with a disturbing degree of favoritism toward special interests.

Enacted health care legislation that centralizes health care decisions and increases the power of the federal bureaucracy to impose one-size-fits-all solutions on patients and doctors, and creates greater incentives for waste.

Favored expansion of one-size-fits-all federal rulemaking, with an erosion of the ability of state and local governments to make decisions appropriate for their particular circumstances.

In sum, Governor Romney’s economic plan is far superior for creating economic growth and jobs than the actions and interventions President Obama has taken or plans to take in the future. This November, voters will make a fundamental choice between differing visions of America’s economic future.

关键字: 罗姆尼 美国大选 奥巴马 美国经济 美国政坛