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Danny翻译,Danny发布英文 ; 2012-09-03 12:54 阅读次 
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西雅图的领导人培训公司菲尔斯的客户开发部资深副总吉姆.玻尔(Kim Bohr)在2011年的员工生产率报告中表示,“矛盾经常被人们误解。对于气氛紧张的争论,矛盾所体现出来的一般是让人不愉快的表象,但矛盾的根源在于缺乏技能设置。

针对周五发生的致两死九伤的枪击事件,就如何有效地管理那些有进取心不但能创造更舒适的工作环境而且能创造投资回报的员工,菲尔斯首席执行官哈利·贝克(Halley Bock)为Upstart商业周刊提供了三条沟通建议:

● 坦诚、不责备



● 避免冒然假设


● 寻求多方观点





西雅图的领导人培训公司菲尔斯的客户开发部资深副总吉姆.玻尔(Kim Bohr)在2011年的员工生产率报告中表示,“矛盾经常被人们误解。对于气氛紧张的争论,矛盾所体现出来的一般是让人不愉快的表象,但矛盾的根源在于缺乏技能设置。

针对周五发生的致两死九伤的枪击事件,就如何有效地管理那些有进取心不但能创造更舒适的工作环境而且能创造投资回报的员工,菲尔斯首席执行官哈利·贝克(Halley Bock)为Upstart商业周刊提供了三条沟通建议:

● 坦诚、不责备



● 避免冒然假设


● 寻求多方观点


The ongoing workplace dispute that last Friday ended with the deaths of two men near the Empire State Building is an extreme example of what can happen when someone is angry at a co-worker.

But effectively dealing with professional confrontations isn’t just important in worst-case scenarios like the one at Hazan Import Company—where one man who was fired a year ago shot an ex-colleague and then was gunned down by police. Even everyday tensions between colleagues can impact a company’s bottom line.

“Confrontation is frequently misunderstood,” said Kim Bohr, senior vice president of client development at Fierce Inc., a Seattle-based leadership training company, in a 2011 report on employee productivity. “It conjures up unpleasant images of tense arguments and discomfort, yet it stems from a lack of skill set.”

In response to Friday’s shooting, in which nine other people were also wounded, though not fatally, Fierce's chief executive Halley Bock sent Upstart Business Journal three communication tips for effectively dealing with aggressive employees that can not only lead to a more pleasant work environment, but a measurable return on investment:

Be honest and don’t place blame. Companies that encourage honest feedback make more money than companies that don’t, according to the Corporate Executive Board in its 2011 study shared by Harvard Business Review. It found that organizations that rated highly in the areas of open communication delivered a 10-year TSR (total shareholder return) of 7.9 percent, compared with 2.1 percent at other companies.

Approach an aggressive colleague with honesty and without laying blame, and he or she will respond in kind. There is a way to be truthful that opens doors, enriches relationships, and encourages the conversation to move forward in a meaningful way. When employees are supported in telling the truth about what they have witnessed or how they feel toward a colleague without fear of retaliation, leaders are able to make better decisions for the company as a whole.

Avoid jumping straight to assumption. We often misinterpret one another and add meaning or subtext that was never intended. When approaching a colleague or employee, ask questions first. Be open and curious, rather than passing judgment. Starting a conversation with, “Our working relationship is important to me, so I want to talk with you about what I have observed. Tell me what it looks like from your perspective.” Though it may be difficult with a brash employee, come into the situation with a clean slate and develop a deeper understanding of other driving factors you may not have known before.

Seek multiple perspectives. No one owns the truth about a situation. Everyone owns a piece of it. Before approaching an aggressive worker, gather multiple, and perhaps competing, perceptions of reality in order to truly understand what is going on. For instance, talk with co-workers who have healthy relationships with the individual, not just those who share your experience. This practice will make you more knowledgeable about the situation and colleagues, and employees will respect your desire to truly learn what their view is from where they are sitting.

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